Tuesday, October 06, 2009

TMI Tuesdays
1. What is your underwear "style" of choce? Usually just boxers, although if it’s cold out, I’ve got a few boxerbriefs. They keep everything snug and warm.
2. How old were you when you had your first sexual experience? Hmm, well I was fooling around with guys my own age in elementary school, but that was just playing around. I don’t really remember the first time.
3. What about a potential partner turns you on? Hairthings (see HERE for explanation)
4. Have you ever played a game which may require you or others to disrobe? Strip poker many times. Spin the bottle a few times.
5. Given or received finger scratch marks during sexual activity? I chew my nails down to the numb to the only way I’m scratching anybody is with facial stubble. But I’ve gotten scratches on my back once.
Bonus: How many times is the most you have ever had sex in a 24 hour period? I think in Toronto once I did about 6 or 7 in that span of time.


1 comment:

FDot said...

6 or 7 times in 24 hours? Hmmm...I didn't realize TMI stood for 'Too Much Imagination'. :)