Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Leaves are turning brown, all over the ground...


I don’t get some people’s obsession with them. My mom has to rake the leaves out of the front yard like once a week. Although, to be fair, I can kinda understand in her case, the dog does her business there, and with the leaves covering the ground, mom can’t find the poop to scoop up and put in the garbage can.

But other people are like obsessive about getting leaves out of their yards. One of my new neighbors was out Sunday afternoon with a leaf blower, blowing them all into one big pile. And his young daughter was out there running around too, and he’d point the leaf blower at her, catching her in the air and she’d laugh hysterically, which was pretty cute. And I noticed the next day, he had one of those orange, pumpkin decorated large garbage bags filled with leaves sitting in his backyard. So maybe he was doing it for her.

But I also noticed the next day, there were more leaves in his yard. And that’s kinda why I wonder, maybe not in his case exactly, but why some people can’t stand leaves in the yard. I mean like they have to rake them as soon as one hits the grass. And it all seems so futile, I mean more leaves are gonna fall and hit the yard again, ya know? Kinda like making a bed, you’re just gonna mess it up again that night. Making beds seems like an exercise in futility to me. Course, the fact I’m lazy might have something to do with that as well.

POLT Listening to "Step Into My World" by Hurricane #1


Anonymous said...

As a kid I got raking duty. I had to break it down for my father though and explain the value of the bed of leaves over the grass when the winter snows came.

That's right, leaves are biomass. They break down in winter/spring and the nutrients flow down to the grasses.

Never had to rake again.

Anonymous said...

eh...that's what lawn mowers are for. Chop 'em all up!

Tam said...

I am so not a gardner. I leave the leaves. That's why they are called that. In theory my landlord gathers them up but I don't really care, we don't have that many leaves. I love them in the park I walk across to my car (if it's not raining) and I walk through the thick carpet of leaves and love to kick them up. They sound great. Therefore, leave them on the ground so I can enjoy the sound.

Anonymous said...

My house is over taken with leaves every year I hate it. Gotta blow them off for the kids this year.