Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just a memory, i know it's over, for you it's over...

And just like that....it's over. All the anticipation and excitement I felt for two months, and that built and built the closer and closer the time came...is gone. Dave S. left this morning to return to Ohio, leaving me sitting here, a bit deflated. But I've got a whole weekend full of awesomeness to remember and to post about. And in doing so, I'll be reliving it all!

So sometime today I'm gonna start on those posts. I'm gonna do one post on Saturday night alone, just on the Puntabumeeting alone, and then probably one or two others on the remainder of the weekend. Just so it's not one huge post. And of COURSE I have photos, some of which are already up at Facebook. If you're not my Facebook friend (and seriously, why aren't you?) it's okay, cause they'll all be posted here as well.

Now, I'm off for a shower, maybe some food, and to work on the posts!

POLT Listening to his computer hum

Everybody wants to be Canadian, and why not, eh? Imagine a vast and magical country where the locals are good-looking, the beer is tasty, and the living is easy. - So, You Want To Be A Canadian?

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