Thursday, October 22, 2009

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 184)...

Once more, kids, it's time for....
Well, as you may have read, this past weekend I spent in New York City! I had an awesome time meeting up with a whole passel (a passel apparently equals 9) of New York area bloggers. There was karaoke, laughter, drinking, eating, two different times of trapsing through Manhattan, a subway ride, an Asian restaurant, more drinking, more laughing, and more talking than you can shake a dead cat at. However, none of that is the subject of my HNT this week.

The day after all the festivities, I spent still in New York, walking all over the freakin' island (or at least it seemed that way) with two awesome friends as my tour guides. We ended up going to Central Park, and spending quite a bit of time walking around there.

But I figured, since I was in Central Park, I might as well get an HNT we were there. So I jumped in the grass of Central Park and snapped a photo of my feet. And I prompty got harrassed for it being not really Half naked, that it was in fact NON-naked. So, to shut them up, I jumped BACK in the grass, lifted a pantsleg and took this photo:

And there were people walking by...but I figured, it's Central Park, after all. I'm certain they've seen stranger things than a guy taking a photo of his feet with his pants leg pulled up. And if not, if they just wait about ten minutes, I'm sure they will.

To see what others put up, click

POLT Listening to "Girls On Film" by Duran Duran

He's a boy. He's, you know, half finished. Like a charcoal sketch. - Paul Reidinger, The City Kid


Osbasso said...

You're a rebel, Polt!

Anonymous said...

LOL...that's pretty funny. You should have told them it's about Nekkid, not naked.

Anonymous said...

NOW your in the swing of things!!! HHNT!

Jere Keys said...

You can play fast and loose with the nekkid rules when you're on your own, but yuo can't expect us to stand idly by when we have the chance to intervene.

Elle said...

hah! Well I think this is my favorite HNT this week, you're so wild! :)