Sunday, February 24, 2008

Heartaches callin', finds you after the fall...

All day yesterday, after my fall, I was fine. Today, when I tried to get out of bed...ohmyLORD, I was stiff, and I don't mean in a good way. The right side of my neck in a band from the back down to the top of my chest, the upper back of my left thigh, my lower left back, and my right arm are ALL stiff and sore. I couldn't even wash my hair with my right arm. When I had it raised up, which hurt a bit itself, I couldn't move it and my head back and forth with the shampoo. Man, did it hurt. And turning my head, yeah, THAT'S a load of fun! Argh.

I've been taking Advil, and that helps, but it's still sore. Man, who knew it would get so bad after I slept on it all. At least nothing's broken and no bruising.

*SIGH*...what a bitch getting old. Well, time to go take more Advil!

POLT Listening to "Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park Oil: 99.06 (+.25); Gas: 3.18 (+.01)

Oh, I'm turning into such a Polt whore! - Agnes Louise Uvula


Bunny said...

Oh, tell me about it! You get kind of whiplash injury from an ice fall and all the muscles hurt. I couldn't turn my head for two days. I tried to rationalize it as a good thing - turning at the waist is good for toning the obliques!

I'm allergic to ibuprofen, but I resorted to taking some after my fall because I was in such pain. If I only take a little I just get some hives and I figured I could live with that better than the pain.

I hope you recover quickly. Hot baths and some rest, but not TOO MUCH, will help. (At least if I rest too much I know I get stiffer).

Hugs, sweetie. I'm right there with you. (A week after my fall, my butt is still bruised, but more green and yellow now and less purple.)

Anonymous said...

Yup you're 40 now, things don't spring back like they used to......

reminds me of a story.

This man had just had his 100th birthday, and a reporter asked him how he felt. He said he felt like a 19 year old............. with something real bad.



jimm said...

awe, jus put some ice on it!