Friday, February 15, 2008

Keep your numbers mounting (Part 18)...

55 Fiction Fridays

His fingers were like his body:
long, lean and dark.
They could, outstreteched,
easily palm a basketball.
They could, with surprising grace,
play the piano.
They could, balled into a fist,
cause harm.
They could, erotically,
be used to pleasure himself
while I watched.
And then, they could pleasure me.

And they did. They did.

POLT Listening to "Touched By The Hand Of God" by New Order

That's so cute, Freddie. You're crying over lesbians. - Polt


Little Wing said...

My kind of poem, Polk!
Sensual and erotic!
Mine is up. (My 55 that is, heehee)

G-Man said...

Great Job though..
Very gripping..
Thanks for playing, and it was really a very good 55.......G

smarmoofus said...

Too bad they have no interest in pleasuring me... they sound wonderful. Nice 55, chiPOLTlay (hot?). Dude... that hand in the image is huge. Is that for real?


S said...

Wow that was so good Polty! I know I am so late, well, only 24 hours, but at the rare you post....

Really, very very good, n sexy too!