Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Some people can be content, playin' bingo...

Today, I had my last day of training. Yahoo! Oh it was boring, don't get me wrong. But at least they've cut our training back from 5 days a year to just 3. That's a BIG improvement!

But, as every year, the last training of the last day was conducted by one of our bosses named Blair. Oh my sweet LORD he is boring. He blathers on and on and on and on and says nothing! He also taught the Bloodborne Pathogens section this year. I kept track of the moronic things he said, some of which are as follows:

1) dealing with medical disease, it's a good idea to be refreshed.
2) if you're like me, you've always got a ding or something on your hands.
3) doesn't have his Depends on and pees his undies.
4) I'm not gonna put anybody at odds with an analogy.
5) as a workplace benefit, a benefit of employment.
6) I'm only guessing, this is not a factoid that I'm passing on here, just a guess.
7) Rules of hygiene....let's jump into this.
8) That's why we don't put blood in refridgerators.
9) Got bit in the face, took a chunk out of his cherry-red cheek.
10) That's an exaggeration beyond exaggeration for effect.
11) We always focus on the guy with the rumor floating above him.

And this one, I just couldn't believe even he'd utter something to stupid:
Most of our immigrants are from out-of-country.

Well, D'uh! Ya think?


For the final part that he taught though, I was ready for him. Last night, I thought of a bunch of words he'd use, and stupid little sayings he always said, and I made up 4 "Blair Bingo" sheets. I put the words on a typical bingo-like game sheet. And then 4 of us sat there and played it while he talked. Once of us actually got BINGO, the other three did not. But everyone, even those that didn't play, thought it an outstanding idea. One guy, who doesn't have the training until next week, wants me to make some more up for the people in his class. And I think I'll accomodate them.

The man himself was only listening to himself blather on, and oblivious to everything else, so he had no idea we were playing it. BUt even if he finds out and I get a 'talking to', oh well. I've been there 12 years and my disciplinary file is totally empty, so if they want to put something in it about this, have at it.

POLT Listening to "I Want To Be Free" by Queen

This is Gotham! You can't swing a dead sidekick here without hitting a super-villain! - Trickster, Countdown #37


Anonymous said...

Why do training classes have to be so boring? I mean don't these imbeciles even get it by looking at the faces people are making?

Anonymous said...

Yes, make the BINGO cards - I'm in the class next week!!