Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sweatin' in the winter, both thighs squeeze tight...

Those thighs! My GOD, those thighs!

Someone could get hurt playing around those thighs....I wonder if he's looking for volunteers? I have very good health insurance!

And ya know, the rest of him ain't half bad either, eh?

POLT Listening to "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder

Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say "NI!" at will to old ladies! - Roger The Shrubber, Monty Python And The Holy Grail


G-Man said...

"...eeee's no ordinary rabbit, eee's a killa!!"

Anonymous said...

Massive, and hot! I'd love to be betwixt those thighs.


Anonymous said...

Imagine that muscle wrapped around your body, slowly flexing and hardening. Him looking down at you as he drives the swelling muscle into your body and ribs, unstoppable. He watches as his muscles cave in your body, crushing ribs, smashing through you with relentless power. Then in one mighty flex he drives your sternum into your spine, snuffing the life out of you between his thighs.

Do me man.