Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Now i'm sliding, it's intriguing, so young...

Uncle Polt's Helpful Hints

If you're planning on sliding across the top of your car, like the Dukes Of Hazzard, only with no clothes on, it's always best to grease up the roof first.

So as to not have yourself get stopped halfway across by....something getting caught somewhere it ought not ever be, thus resulting in a humilating photo of yourself, in said position, that's liable to be plastered all over the Internet and commented on by total strangers.

POLT Listening to "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse

Will, please don't get hysetical. It's terribly American and rather vulgar. - The Road To Wellville

1 comment:

Stephen R. said...

Cute boy, but if carpet causes "rug burn" down there, I can only imagine what a car down to your junk when you rub it fast and hard. Oy...