Friday, February 15, 2008

You're never alone, he's even got a wire tap on your phone...

So, since the House did not renew Bushie's version of the FISA bill, Bushie says after tomorrow when it expires, we're all GOING TO DIE. And it'll be all the Democrats fault!

Well, no that's not really what he said, but that's what he suggested. Which is quite funny, because the actual wire-tapping abilities contained in the FISA bill are active for another year. All this version did was to protect huge telecom corporations that cooperated with the government in the illegal wire-taps from being sued over it. That's it. It had nothing to do with protecting Americans, it had everything to do with protecting huge corporations from lawsuits.

And more importantly, not just the corporations themselves, but what they know. With this not being passed, people are free to sue the corporations to find out who they illegally wire-tapped, why they did it, and who in the government they worked with to do that. And once that starts, we finally get to shed some light into the secretive shadows of the Bush administration and find out just how far up the ladder it went when decisions were made to illegally wiretap people.

This is particularly sad because the government ALREADY had all the tools it needed before they decided to break the law and wire-tap without warrants. They could then, and can still, wire-tap ANYONE in the United States...WITH a warrant. And there is a special FISA court set up for them to go to request those warrants. If the governments case against an individual is so weak they can't convince a judge in a court dealing with nothing but wire tap warrants, that a warrant is necessary, then, frankly, they have no business tapping them.

And the "immediacy" concern they floated is crap too, cause the law allows them to go to a judge up to three days AFTER they started the wire-tap, to get the warrant retroactively.

But no, all this wasnt' good enough to Bushie and his people. They wanted to wire tap anyone they wanted, for any reason they wanted, just because they wanted to. And they convinced the huge telecom corporations to go along with it. So I'm glad the lawsuits can proceed now. I'm anxious to see who was tapped, why, and who in the government authorized it. And then, I'm anxious to see what penalties befall those who broke the law. If any punishments occur at all. Bushie could just get out his pardon pen ala Scooter Libby.

POLT Listening to "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder

If I have to chose a side on the same-sex debate, I choose anal. - Sen. Tim Calhoun, Saturday Night Live

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow the checks and balances really do work sometimes, thank goddess.
