Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our power in our hands all wasted...

Let’s see, we’ve got a war in Iraq killing our next generation and depleting our treasury, we’re in debt above our eyeballs that our great-grandchildren will probably still be paying off, the economy is teetering on the brink of recession, we’re being flooded with illegal immigrants, the Constitution is being shredded daily by the current administration, gas prices have doubled in like the last three years or so, we’ve got a number of citizens without any form of health care…and what is the Congress on a tear about? Whether some professional athletes used steroids and why a professional sports league destroyed tapes of one of it’s teams cheating.

Oh yes, but ALL means, please make sure, Congress, that you address the greatest issues of our day!!! God forbid we don’t know each and every time some baseball player stuck a needle in his body and injected some substance into himself!! And of course, make absolutely certain you get accurately which butt cheek he was using as a pincushion.

Because, I mean, we all know just how vital that information is to each and every American and to our nation’s interests. I mean, if I never find out this information, is my life worth living?
I may have a cousin about to get shot in Iraq, and I may have no money to fill up my tank to get to work because all my money was lost in a Wall Street collapse and to pay for that medical procedure I needed to live, and for that tax increase we had to pay to help pay down the debt (when in actuality, the money went to build a bridge in Alaska or some such stupid shit), but by GOD we all know your time and energy is better spend investigating possible injections to some yum-yum involved in a GAME! It’s a freaking GAME, people!!!

Ya know, this is a clear example of the quote, and I wish I could recall who said it, that goes, "There is nothing more worthless than doing thoroughly and effeciently that which shouldn’t be done at all." Amen.

POLT Listening to "Countdown With Keith Olberman" Oil: 102.45 (+2.53); Gas: 3.17 (-.01)

Oh I am so sorry, silly American cat-coy! My braincase is quite indestructible! Heh, heh! - Himler, JSA Classified #31


Bunny said...

Preach it, Brother Polt!

What really galls me about the whole baseball steroid hearings is that IT WASN'T AGAINST MLB'S OWN RULES for these guys to be using 'roids at the time they're looking at. Hello? It wasn't ethical maybe, but it wasn't technically cheating at the time either. So. who. fucking. cares?

Anonymous said...

Hey Polt, I've setup yet another blog.

Thanks for inspiring me to do so.