Friday, February 29, 2008

Keep your numbers mounting (Part 20)...

55 Fiction Fridays

Hearing him: smooth and velvety, "thug"-esque, but with intelligence
Seeing him: lean, toned, dark, sexy, projected toughness covering vulnerable sweetness
Smelling him: earthy, sharp, musky, clean, with a tad bit of funky
Tasting him: Peppermint gum, salty sweat, dark damp creases
Touching him: Hard, firm, warm, moist, expanding, rough kinky hair, smooth chest

Sensual perfection.

POLT Listening to "Living Dead Girl" by Rob Zombie

"Okay, Plan B." "We actually had a Plan A?" - Conner Hawke, Green Arrow #75


Ryan said...

i am sure glad mikey is coming in tonight!

damn hehe!

Little Wing said...

It doesn't get any better than sexual perfection!