Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Think of my last 20 years, 6 pack, gunnin'...

This afternoon, I was in a store here and ran into Sean. He is the younger brother of the girl I took to my senior prom. He is also the guy I ran into at the gay bar about 13 years ago or so, and we subsequently went on a date, although nothing came of.

Well, in the small talk, catch-up chat we had, he mentioned that Michelle (his sister) had moved about an hour away, and she and her husband were doing well. In fact, thier oldest just got his own place. He's 20.


The girl that I took to my senior prom has a 20 year old son!!!! God, just bring me the walker, Ben-Gay, and hearing aid now please.

I hate costantly being reminded of how old I am, and yet I seem to be CONSTANTLY reminded of how old I am. *SIGH*

On the upside, I did notice that Sean was kinda, well maybe, checking me out, and that was interesting, cause I'd certainly consider another date with him. We didn't exchange numbers, but now I know where he's working....I'll have to see if I can think of some reason to go to that store again....

POLT Listening to "Oh What A World" by Rufus Wainwright

Let me gor, freak, or I'll give you frostbite in places you didn't even know you had places! - Killer Frost, Justice League Unlimited

1 comment:

Bunny said...

A couple of my high school classmates are GRANDPARENTS already, including someone I was good friends with for all of middle and high school. SCARY