Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We went and got ourselves a manager, we all think he's the most...

Ya know, I find these statements that Obama has no 'experience' to be funny. The campaigns that Obama, Hilary, and frankly even McCain, are even now running are the largest things they've ever had to run. They are at the top of multi-million dollar organizations, with hundreds, perhaps thousands of people in them at all different levels. These organizations are surely much MUCH larger than their Senatorial staff, and I'm not certain, but perhaps even larger than what a First Lady has to deal with.

And let's look how they've managed these organizations. Hilary has fired several of her top advisors, and did so bad with her finances that she had to give her campagin a $5 million dollar loan a few weeks ago. McCain, prior to New Hampshire, had to take out a large loan from a DC bank on the provision that (and this I find a bit disturbing) if he didn't win New Hampshire he'd stay in the presidential race long enough to get Federal matching funds and pay the loan back with those. Using Federal taxpayer monies to pay back a private loan to his campaign. *SIGH*

But back to the main point. Obama's run his campaign with no shake-ups among high ranking personnel, and has never had money issues. He's managed his money and his campaign with no problems.

Granted a presidential campaign is NOT a presidential administration. However, don't you think the management of the three respective campaigns might just foreshadow a bit, the way they'll run thier adminstrations? I do. And that's one reason I'm supporting Obama.

POLT Listening to "Flounders Mashups" on DC101 Online

"There's a Navy base up ahead." "Ooo, can we go find some seamen?" "No, I'll have plenty of semen for you later." - Freddie


LushlyMe said...

Did you know that Obama has 1,000,000 individual donors? That is a record. I know that they say he has no experience for the office... but then.. who does that isn't the incumbent...

Heidi said...

astute observation. thanks!

lime said...

damn good point.

Jason said...

i'd vote for him simply because he is the most against that bull**** war

Bunny said...

This is one of the most reasonable reasons for choosing a candidate that I've heard this campaign season!

Anonymous said...

Of course Obama did say he would attack inside Pakistan without their permission.
Obama will be the victim of a Red neck attack and start a race war like this country has never seen. I'm not saying no Balck President ever, it is just too soon now.
Dr. King envisioned a day when no American was judged by the color of his skin. We are not there yet.
I'm voting for Senator Clinton, at least when things get rough she'll have her husband's advice and not Jesse Jackson. Ed

Anonymous said...

The other thing is that the vast majority of the money raised by Obama so far is from individuals like you and me and not from corporations and PAC's.

In Hillary's case it's the opposite and she's still fighting a losing campaign.

The thing about Obama is that he is using the Republican tactic of staying on message. Good for him!

Anonymous said...

Good observation here Polt. I am also inclined to vote for Obama

Anonymous said...

Actually Obama is bankrolled by Oprah Winfrey. If the choice is this wannabe and McCain I'm voting Republican even though I never have before. Ed