Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A snow day and i get to sleep as late as i want to...

For my mother's 65th birthday, what I'm doing is going around to family, her friends, her church, her work, and taking short 10-15 seconds clips of them wishing her a happy birthday, and then I'm gonna burn them onto a DVD for her to watch.

Last week, I was in training Monday, which is my regular day off. So I had a free day to take whenever. Mom usually has every other Monday off, but she switched the day off to Tuesdays since she taking some grief class on Tuesdays.

Last week, I called her boss and set it up so that I could come down to today, when Mom was off, and film a bunch of her co-workers. And since I had that free day, I just took it off today. And then, guess what?

It snowed today. Not much, but enough for them to close her work. *SIGH* the best laid plans of mice and men, eh? Well, Mom said she was transferring her days back to Mondays starting next week, so the Monday after that, I can try again...as long as it doesn't snow then too.

At least I didn't have to fight my way through the snow this morning to work, and I didn't have to call in and appear all wimpy that I didn't come in, cause I had already taken off today.

POLT Listening to "Bend And Break" by Keane

Just remember, it's the birds that's supposed to suffer, not the hunter. - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Sexy Duet said...

What a great idea for a present, I hope the weather co-operates so you can get it done.