Friday, February 08, 2008

On the radio and video shows...

I had every intention of going to work today. Honestly I did. And then, when I woke up, coughing, hacking, still very ill, I thought maybe I should just stay home and rest. And that's what I did.

I slept in (except for the occasional momentary wake-up for the use of the bathroom, a drink, or to take pills) until about 1:30. After that, I sat and watched some TV, and then watched my two Netflix movies: Show Boy and High Fidelity (both of which were okay, but nothing great).

I've been drinking water, orange juice or hot tea almost constantly. I've had a bowl of chicken noodle soup, even though i wasn't terribly hungry. I was online a bit. I'm going to go to bed here before too much longer, and I WILL go to work tomorrow, even if it's only for a few hours. I do feel a bit better today than I did yesterday, although my throat is raw and on fire and that sucks. Luckily, I'm not coughing too much.

So, yeah, I've survived so far, we'll see how much longer it takes me to beat this. I had a flu shot back in October...PFFFT, fat lotta good that did me, eh? Oh, and a co-worker did tell me this joke yesterday: What's the different between beernuts and deer nuts?

Give up?

Beernuts cost a dollar fifty, and deernut are under a buck. BWAHAHAHA....

Okay, kids, to prove how miserable I am, I took this video of myself, laying in bed. Mind you, this is NOT first thing in the morning, when I'm jsut up and feeling the worst of the day.

Okay, now let's end this pity party and get on with our lives, eh?

POLT Listening to "What Do I Get?" by The Buzzcocks

I'm Booster Gold! If I were Green Lantern, my costume would be green not gold, wouldn't it? - Booster Gold, Justice League Unlimited


Bunny said...

You look like hell, buddy. I hope you feel better quickly and that redness on your face fades. Are your sinuses congested? I get red in those same places when my sinuses are congested/infected.

LOL @ "ga-ay!

G-Man said...

Ooooh, Flashback to a misspent youth...
"In brightest day
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those that worship evil's might,
Beware My power Green Lantern's Light!!!
get well soon...G

Anonymous said...

Poor uncle Polt, get well soon buddy!
