Thursday, February 14, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 96)...

Once more it's time for...

Well, this week, Os has given us a theme: red. It's Valentine's Day, and he wants us to do a red HNT in honor of it.

I HATE Valentine's Day. I always have. I've hated it since I was in middle school, when we had the option of buying carnations: red for love, pink for like, white for friendship, yellow for a favorite teacher. And on Valentine's Day, they delivered them. Some people sat there and had a vertiable greenhouse full of flo+ra in front of them. Some got one or two carnations, from friends. And some sat there and had nothing, nothing but an empty desk and the shame that accompanied it.

I hated it as an adult when I was told that since I didn't have anyone to share Valentine's Day with, I was somehow, in someway, less of a person than those people in all those commercials and shows that DID have someone to give to and get things from.

I hated it as an adult even when I was dating someone because the greeting card companies, chocolate companies, flower companies, and jewelry companies were all telling me that if I TRULY loved that person, I'd have to spend all this money on cards, chocolates, flowers, jewelry and gifts, or else I must not love them as much as I said I did.

If I love someone, I'm going to tell them that when i see them, or when I say goodbye to them(and i do), and not just on a random specific day chosen to make me feel I HAVE to tell them I love them.

It's all crap.

So, kids, THIS is my red, Valetine's Day HNT.

And you probably can't tell, but I'm mumbling a few choices words in the background there.

To see perhaps a bit more romantic HNT's on this day, click HERE

POLT Listening to "Groove Is In The Heart" by Dee-Lite

Everyone likes a nice basket. Even when it's not Easter. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Kittie Kate said...

I buy chocolates for myself! I bought myself fingernail polish, chocolates, and bubble gum.

Nice shade of finger nail polish!

Happy HNT! I don't like Valentines Day either. I'm allergic to flowers.

lime said...

i don't blame you a bit. i really don't. i don't like the commercial aspect of it but i don't like that aspect of any holiday or celebration.

loving your take on the whole theme. hehehe.


Mariposa said...

lovely fings there! happy HNT!

Vixen said...

LMAO! You tell 'em!


LushlyMe said...

Oh hell... Your nails look better than mine!


Charlie said...

i concur! HHNT instead..far more important :)

Lapis Ruber said...

I agree about the exploitation - but for some it is just harmless indulgence and a bit of fun - I wouldn't want to stop that. Happy HNT

Bunny said...

Very expressive!

I'll skip the HVD part and just say:


Jason said...

HHNT + Valentines.. ok I guess not Valentines.. some are calling it Single Awareness Day?

Bah, I can't please everyone! lol!

TK Kerouac said...

haha, Love your creativity...
and I hear ya, boy I hear ya

S said...

LMAO Polty! That is hilarious.
I know exactly what you mean, I was always the kid who maybe got ONE carnation from my sister....sigh.....

Mr Ratburn is a high school teacher. He doesn't allow flowers, carrots, candy or whatever to be delivered in his classroom at any time. One reason is because of the interruptions, but the other reason is to prevent embarrassing the kids who got nothing......

Do I HAVE to tell you that I love you now?
PS You forgot one thing, we HAVE to have Valentine sex wether we are in the mood or not...sigh....

Anonymous said...

Never really bothered me...except for the commercialization stuff that goes with every holiday. That bothers me more every year. At least there is no religious holiday associated with this one.

It seems that it was always just another excuse for people to bring community food to work (which I always looked at as a good thing).
And those times when I am chocolate happy (one of which is not now, meds have caused me to lose my taste for it...this will pass eventually) I usually buy myself some under the guise that I am comparing brands to see which is really the best.

Those few times when I was involved at this holiday the memories were rather sweet, but there just haven't been enough of them.

Furry Godfather.

Anonymous said...

The carnation thing was just awful, made you feel terrible if you did't get even one, I remember.


Sexy Duet said...

I was the only girl in my office to receive flowers on Valentine's Day and I almost felt guilty because they didnt have any.

Mr SD and I dont really make a big deal out of Valentine's Day but he usually does send me flowers. We much prefer to just do spontaneous romantic things for each other all year round, not just on a certain day when we are supposed to.

Happy HNT!


SignGurl said...

I love your VD take!!