Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sleeping on the sofa, when she's lying in her sunday best...

This flu I have is freaky. It started with a dry cough, not too bad on Tuesday. Then Wendesday and Thursday, I had the headache, and body aches and fever, and my throat was sore. Then Friday and Saturday, it was just pretty much a ridiculously sore throat and head full of snot. I hated going to bed cause, even with the humidifier I have in my bedroom, my throat still gets dry and that's what makes it feel like its on fire and I made it so that i could hardly sleep. I woke up this morning, with just a slightly sore throat, and was overjoyed, cause I thought maybe i was coming to the end of it. But NO, today, it's settled into my chest. I'm coughing and moving all KINDS of phlegm and mucus around in my lungs, and while I'm certain it sounds really gross, it's even grosser to experience it in person, I assure you. And I'm still snotting, but by and large, the aches are still gone, and the sore throat is negligible. It's like for a day or two, the flu hits something, and then moves onto something else. Crazy. I just hope it works it way right on out of my body soon!

Today, I did nothing. I got up and 9:30 and posted. Then I ate some breakfast and got some laundry together to take to moms. I got there, and spent most of the day there, from like 10:30 to about 5:30. All I did was read (the newspaper, the book i took along), ate (tenderloin, potatos and chicken strips she made for lunch, some soup and chicken salad sandwich for supper), and slept. She did pretty much the same, and we talk and all, but she heats with a wood stove, and that wood stove heat, coupled with her home cooking, and the new comfy couch all contributed to much sleep for me.

Didn't do much, a lazy day, but again, that's what I need, I think, to help with this bug.

POLT Listening to "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega

Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? - Ernest Gaines


Anonymous said...

As I've said before, I rarely if ever get flu like symptoms like that.

But I have had it at one point in my life and know what a pain it can be.

Part of what protects me is the fact I have no tonsils or adenoids. This means theres no place for adenoviruses to take hold. I get sinusitis like crazy, but the chest stays clear.

They're making progress on the virus front though. They've found that they can resonate viruses to death using lasers. In essence they'd hook you up to a machine that runs your blood through it, and the laser would just zap all the viruses. It doesn't harm other cells either. Viruses have a unique resonant frequency.

And they've made progress with HIV too, they now know where they're stored (CD4 and lymph cells) and now have a way to combat it.

So couple that with what I posted about and we might see the end of HIV and a host of other diseases.

Sexy Duet said...

Sounds like you needed a lazy day, hope you are feeling better tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

Have you taken your temperature at all? You haven't mentioned it. Flu is typically accompanied by a high fever (102 or better) as well as some of the symptoms you've mentioned and doesn't reoccur every few days as your virus seems to be doing. If you don't have a thermometer you can also tell a fever by if your eyes seem to be burning or if you have night sweats (happens when fevers break and them come back).

I'm no doctor of course, but just taking into account what I know about you personally and how often you seem to be getting these colds and sore throats my guess is that it more likely has to do with the level of dust (and therefore dust mites) in your apartment. You could be tolerating the microscopic little creatures less and less as you get older. That coupled with your sleep apnea (or plain old sleeping a lot with your mouth open) is going to cause lots and lots of sore throats. I remember that you used to snore, but the last few times we traveled together is was full fledged sleep apnea and I mentioned it to you. Sleep apnea is something you could do something about if you wanted to. So is the dust issue in your apartment.

Of course I'm one to talk with 3 cats here. Between the cat hair and the dust its amazing that I can breath at all, though I'm not allergic to cats. Vacuuming twice a week barely makes a difference.
But I do tend to be a fanatic about washing my hands (with antibacterial soap) at least a dozen or more times a day. And I keep my hands away from my nose and mouth as much as possible since those are the 2 virus entry points for most colds and flu. I use a saline nasal spray and sometimes oral decongestant (not antihistamine) so that I can breath freely through my nose at night. I hate a sore throat with a passion and will go to the doctor for a swab if it lasts more than 2-3 days. A dishwasher would also do you good since it uses water hotter than you would ever get it washing them by hand. You can get non-built-in dishwashers and that would give you even more space to pile stuff in the kitchen (but why would you bother with a dishwasher to do the work?).

Okay, enough preaching I guess.
I hope you are feeling better soon.

Furry Godfather.