Thursday, June 05, 2008

A change, (a change would do you...would do you good...

Obama announced today that, just as his campaign has done all through the primaries, the Democratic Party during the general election will accept NO donations from lobbyists or PAC groups.

Finally, a Presidential candidate that owes this campaign to the people, the people who contributed to him, and NOT to the Lobbyists and Washington insiders.

How refreshing. A new way of doing things in Washington...and the man's only been the nominee for one day!

POLT Listening to "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" Oil: 128.35 (+6.25); Gas: 3.96 (+.01)

Reality is something your rise above. - Liza Minelli


lime said...

amen. i disagree with the guy on some things and other things he hasn't really defined well at all. but his ability to build bridges and his refusal to take money from lobbysits and PACs....that's impressive to me.

Anonymous said...

If we could only get the congressional people to do the same we might see real change.

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for an Obama Presidency! It is time for a change in Washington.