Friday, June 20, 2008

Keep your numbers mounting (Part 31)...

55 Fiction Fridays

Finally, they did away with 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'.
The next day, General Bruce, decided to make some changes.
Green, was just so...drab!
He sent his assistant out to get some "FABulous" fabrics.
Reds! Oranges! Pinks! Mauves! Periwinkles! Pear!
He made sure to spruce things up JUST right.

Speedos would be sufficient, dontcha think?

POLT Listening to "Lemon" by U2

I think anyone who ever expresses a desire to run for political office should be barred from doing so. - Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority #13


G-Man said...

I LOVE periwinkle!!!
Great Job young man!!..(yes, I know I'm the only one alive that can say that truthfully)..hehehe
Thanks for the heads up..
Thanks for playing...
And have a great week-end...Galen

Pam said...

ha ha very funny 55! i have one up, too.

Anonymous said...

Those colors are just fabulous...if you don't mind getting killed immediately by the enemy in a wartime battle situation.

As a veteran of the military I'll stick with the drab green and other camouflage type colors that help keep me looking a little more invisible towards the enemy.
But, hey, if your just going for snapshots and parades then bring on the colors. Speedos would still not be appropriate for "everyone" in the military. There would need to be a screening committee (made up of past veterans of which I will be the chairman and first to volunteer).

Furry Godfather.