Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's a bad day, it's a long ride...

My day:

I don't normally remember my dreams. But this morning, I was having a bad one, not a nightmare, but just one where I was angry, and hurt and sad, and then the alarm went off. And since I was in the middle of the dream, I remembered it, and felt that way when I awoke.

My tooth has been hurting since Sunday. This is nothing unusual. I had dental work done on it a few years ago, and ever since then, when I eat too much popcorn, or peanuts, or other crunchy things, sometimes it throbs for a few days afterwards. Today was just such a day.

My car is in the garage getting the oil changed, so I took mom's car. But for some reason, I couldn't get the seat to go as low as it normally does for me, so I was sitting very high in the car, my hair brushing against the roof, and not at all comfortable.

I forgot my wallet, but realized it before I left town. Still i had to drive back and get it.

It was another hot humid sticky day.

When i left work last Saturday, I had one project completely full at six. Today, that project is down to three. And I have no time to fill them back up.

I have about five things open at work that I alone am responsible for filling, and again, with me being the only one at work, I have no time to get them filled. Not until next week. In the meantime I have to listen to people tell me frequently that those things are open, and ask when I'm going to get them filled. Repeatedly.

All kinds of paperwork, for three different things, HAD to get done today. In addition to the OTHER stuff I HAD to get done today.

I even yelled at two coworkers when they offered their unsolicited opinions on something, telling that frankly I didn't care about the problem they were bringing up, nor their solution to it, and I wouldn't care about it until next week.

There's a reoccuring project that I finish every eight weeks, that i SHOULD be finishing THIS week, that I'm not even going to be able to GET to this week.

As an illustration, I give you this:

See the guy? that's me. See that ball? that's today.

Any questions?

Things DID get better after work:

I left work about ten minutes early because I was SICK of being there.

I didn't encounter too much traffic on the way home.

There were no unexpected issues with my car, just a simple oil change.

I helped mom carry some trash up from the backyard. She helped me prune some tree limbs and bushes that were growing over some walkways and driveways here. And then together we put my new computer chair together. (I could have done these by myself, but it's always more fun to have someone else there with you.) Then after we both showered, we had some of her meatloaf for supper. And I hung out there, in the central air, and cooled down.

And this evening was a rather relaxing one. A bad morning and good evening, I guess it's better to have that than the reverse.

POLT Listening to "Heaven" by The Talking Heads Oil: 131.55; Gas: 4.00 (-.01)

When you aren't practicing, someone somewhere is, and when you meet him, he'll beat you. - Batman


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a heatwave induced bad day. It's funny, I thrive in heat like this. I love it so.

But now that I know what you do for a living, oh brother you have my sympathies.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a better day tomorrow, but it sounds like it won't be better till next week. Drag. I am with you buddy.
