Monday, June 30, 2008

Hot for the game, the coming attraction, the drop of a name...

Hey, kids! My blog buddy (is that a word?) Craiggers over at a Puntabulous just had his 1000th post. And he made a video of himself rattling off the 10 Worst Puntabulous Posts. It's a pretty funny thing, especially if you read Puntabulous daily (and if you don't, why the hell aren't you????).

The only reason I mention this is that I, your Uncle Polt, got his name dropped in the middle of the video! The ONLY other real-life blogger to be so named. How honored was I? Well, first, I wasn't really sure I had heard right, so I rewound it and listened to it again. And then I was shocked that he actually said it. And then I just laughed at how funny it was. And then I was honored to be named at all. Especially in such a funny manner. And it was so off-the-cuff what he said. After I was all honored and shit, then I laughed again at how funny it was.

At any rate, this is the video. It's 12 minutes long, and if you don't that much time to spend on this, just advance it to about 6:25 (for the more technologically challanged of us, put your cursor over the video and when the timeline appears at the bottom, drag it to the right until 6:25 shows up). Then enjoy.

The 10 Worst Puntabulous Posts from Craig McAnally on Vimeo.

Heeheheheh, Craiggers...I do so love him. And his blog. And oh, yeah, he's totally dead on correct in what he says....not that that should come as a surprise to anyone....

POLT Listening to "Lounge Act" by Nirvana

"There's something I don't understand about Social Security." "Then you could be a member of Congress." - Toby Zeigler, The West Wing

1 comment:

Bunny said...

"Especially, Polt, who is dying to have sex with me . . . "