Monday, June 16, 2008

It's too late, too late for tears, too...

Al Gore, in a few moments, is going to endorse Barack Obama.

Glad to know his sense of timing is spot on. I hope someone's told him now might be the time to sell that stock in Amalgated 8-Track Cassettes Corporation he has. And I bet he'll soon be taking that trip to Constantiople or Rhodesia he's always wanted to take, probably flying on PanAm. And I bet he's thinking about buying one of those Edsels.

Wouldn't this actually have meant something like a month ago? Oh well, better late then never, right?

AND, has anyone seen that Obama's campaign has appointed Patty Solis Doyle as the chief of staff to the as yet unnamed Vice Presidential nominee? Its interesting because she was fired from the Clinton campaign after the Iowa primary. Kind of a clear note to Hillary that she's probably not gonna be the VP choice.

POLT Listening to "Give It 2 Me" by Madonna

The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. - George Washington, Treaty of Tripoli, 1796


Anonymous said...


Well, it's entirely possible that the timing of Mr. Gore's endorsement is/was the choice of the Obama campaign people rather than Mr. Gore himself.

I believe this is possible because Mr. Gore has not been active in politics for awhile now and many view his current endeavors mockingly and as sort of a joke despite his awards and worldwide attention, and despite his ability to laugh at himself.

To this point the important endorsements have come from active and in-office politicians who are definately deemed and looked upon more importantly and with more weight and credibility than Mr. Gore since his political flame appears to be in the past (for the time being).

I could easily see Obama's people politely asking Mr. Gore if he would mind waiting until at least after Obama is the presumptive nominee before making the endorsement public.

Furry Godfather.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was that he didn't want to go against Hillary, since that would've REALLY been a smack in her face, so he waited until after she got out.