Saturday, June 28, 2008

Headline news, everybody say, extra, extra...

Jumped online at work today, and saw this headline:

BREAKING NEWS: President Bush calls Zimbabwe's presidential runoff a 'sham', seeks sanctions

Just made me wonder...what did the leader of Zimbabwe think about an election back in 2000? Good thing he didn't call for sanctions against us.

Bushie says stuff like this, and Rove condemns the CIA fearlier this week for naming one of their secret agents, even though the agent hadn't worked for them in a few years, unlike, say Valerie Plame, who was an active agent.

Both these men say things like this without a HINT of irony. I guess irony is too subtle a concept for their minds.

POLT Listening to "Pork And Beans" by Weezer

Physical appearance isn't everything, but you know, it helps. - Matt Dillion, My Bodyguard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite was Rove (why is he back?) coming out and calling Obama arrogant, when W has taken arrogance to such new levels they need to come up with another word for it.