Monday, June 09, 2008

The head honcho, swift fist like camacho...

Well, here Faux News goes again!

This is SO sad. Funny, but sad. Of course, then again, if the far right wingnuts are grasping at straws this weak this early in the election, it shows just how deseperate they are. The more insane their slimy smears against Obama become, the less they'll be listened to...and that's good for everyone and the country as a whole.

POLT Listening to "Just A Little Bit" by Gina G

"Were you drunk?" "It was twelve noon! Of course I was drunk!" - Evie, Girls Will Be Girls


Stephen R. said...

How friggin' ri-COCK-ulous. Talk about grasping at insane straws.

You're right. Let them talk like this and dig their own coffin.

Anonymous said...

I still like the vid clip on my blog where McSame says he doesn't really care what most Americans think.

Yeah, just what we need in a President, as if we haven't had enough of THAT for the past eight years.

Anonymous said...

My next door neighbors think Obama is a terrorist, they really do. I feel sorry for them.


Anonymous said...

Remember now, "most Americans" do not live in the United States of America.
So, whenever anyone is referencing "most Americans" they are talking primarily about those people who live in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, who's populations all put together outnumber the United States of America. I wonder how these people know about what "most Americans" think and want and how they live everyday, etc.?

Furry Godfather.