Thursday, June 12, 2008

There are days missing from my week again...

The continuing adventures....

So, Monday wasn't too bad at work. Tuesday was absolutely HORRID. Wednesday was better than Tuesday, and today was better than Wednesday.

I think today I actually had more work than Wednesday, but it was less hectic and I was bothered less, and I actually managed to get a few others things accomplished that I would have put off and had to do next week. but not anymore. And so that's good too. Fridays can tend to be a bit stressful during a normal week, so I'm bit wary about tomorrow.

However, I just keep looking forward to Saturday! I'm only working 4 hours, and then, in the early evening it's off to the Gay Pride Parade in DC!!!! YAY!!! Always a fun time there! And this year, I'm taking 4 virgins with me! 4 straight virgins (never having been to a gay pride parade before) ! It always seems, every year, I end up taking more straight people than gay people with me. Seems strange that. But I suppose I should just happen I know so many openminded straight people that want to go to the Parade. It IS a load of fun, though.

And this year should be extra-special because *SIGH*Konrad is going along! I love taking cute young twinkie boys to the Parade as well. I had Johnnie there when he was 16-19, his friend Paul who was probably 18, another friend of mine Troy, who was 18 at the time, and now, 19 year old *SIGH* Konrad. THIS is why I'm looking forward to the trip!

......actually, i love taking cute young twinkie boys ANYWHERE. But I digress.....

POLT Listening to "Y.M.C.A." by The Village People

You're just a pussycat....I said pussy! - Kyan, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like fun..... maybe you can turn one of these hotties to the dark side.
