Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thanks, an easy way in, you fucking idiot...

MSNBC reported on a focus group held in York PA. They had 12 voters, none of which had voted for Obama or McCain and they asked them a series of questions about the candidates. Here is one quote from the article.

“I don’t trust Osama … Obama. It’s only a letter difference,” said Charles, the Hillary backer. “His middle name is Hussein.” Observed Terry, the female Bush voter: “I don’t feel he’s a true American.”

Oh. My. God. If this were not so serious it would be hilarious.

Well, let's see, I don't think I can vote for McCain because be has "Cain" in his name and we all know Cain was the first murderer in the Bible. And as for the "true American" we all know McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, so he wasn't even born on the soil of the USA, so I question whether he's a "true American" or not.

Sounds silly, doesn't it? And it's no more ludicrious than the other quote.

I really think there needs to be an intelligence test before you vote. Something like, "Name one of your two Senators in Congress." or "Name the Lieutenant Govenrnor of your state." And you can even publish the question and the answer in the newspapers for several days beforehand. And if you can't answer a simple question like that when you get to the polls, then you're obviously too ignorant in the area of politics to cast a vote for President.

And I'm only being slighty faceious...



Anonymous said...

Luckily I live in the most liberal enclave, Providence, RI.

I see lots of Obama signs, bumper stickers, etc. It makes me wonder how the hell Clinton won the primary here.

But I know that Obama carried Providence which btw is where the majority of African-American and Latino people happen to live.

That said, I think the state will go for Obama. It really is a different world here. We also have a lot of educated professionals in the city too. It's such a mixed bag.

Anonymous said...

Hey...I've been complaining about ignant (that's spelled wrong intentionally) people for years.

How many times have I said they ought to make people take the directions out of the toaster and prove they can operate that extremely difficult mechanical device before being allowed to purchase it and take it home???

And don't even get me started on who they allow to drive a car (let alone those Hummer size vehicles) year after year without actual comprehensive driving tests.

But in this "land of the free" if you are 18 you can vote and enlist and get killed for your country no matter how ignant you are (but you can't drink alcohol, God forbid).

(What the hell is a "true American"? Surely it has nothing to do with where you were born. The Panama Canal Zone is part of the America's anyway. You have to be born in a US territory to hold the presidential office, or so I thought, which has nothing to do with the Americas such as Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, etc.)

Furry Godfather.