Monday, June 02, 2008

You don't already know, dining out can happen down below...

Yesterday afternoon, I received a call from A Local Celebrity, Mr. David Parispeking wherein he begged and pleaded for me to give him a reason to get out of the house. I suppose a wife, three daughters under four years old and a female dog is a bit too much testosterone for any guy. So I took pity on him and said I'd meet him at Applebees.

Over an appetizer sampler, chicken fingers, steak and assorted sides, we discussed many a topic. Oh, and I myself had three beers. I also mentioned that the DC Gay Pride parade was coming up soon, which, strangely, prompted him to remember that sometime soon his anniversary was coming up. He knew that because his wedding was the same day as the Pride Parade, and since I was IN the wedding, I had to miss the parade, the only time I have missed it since 1997. And apparently I've whined enough about that so that he remembers that I missed Pride that year for him. And that his wedding is near Pride time. Although he doesn't know the actual date of his anniversary.

(Pssst, ALCMDPP, I looked it up in the book I keep of important dates. Your anniversary is on June 7th. Get to work on that gift for her...and the baby you just gave her does NOT count. Nor does doing the dishes, although that would probably be nice as well.)

Also, ALCMDPP does not like the new Superman Sundays. He tells me that pictures aren't necessary. But I told him they were, because I have so MANY! And besides, it's my blog, deal with it.

I also found out that ALCMDPP has a new purple phone, although I forgot to take a photo of it, despite my desire to do so. I'll get one the next time. Other topics may or may not have included oil and gas prices, the election, Glenn Beck, Laura "Screeching Harpy" Ingraham, the sexuality of the cute guy who brought his salad, Mama Polt's retirement, Don, Travel Agent Ag, his mother's dog, the mommy-van he was driving, his 2004 vote cast for John Kerry (snicker), the Palace, the "I Got Your Nose" game his daughter is now playing all the time, my friend AJ, my friends Garver and Troy, the Gay Pride parade, former co-workers at Borders, the estrogen level in gay men, and how to split the appetizer.

A fun date all in all, eh?

POLT Listening to "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" by Vivaldi

Make peace with dust bunnies.

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