Wednesday, June 25, 2008

In front of the judge facing the death penalty...

Just saw online that the Supreme Court has ruled that it’s unconstitutional to give the death penalty to someone who rapes a child. And I wholeheartedly applaud their decision.

My position on the death penalty is, even in my eyes, somewhat inconsistant and malleable. However, one thing that I think is essential is that before the death penalty can even be considered, the defendant must have killed somone. If we’re going to kill someone, it only makes sense that we only do it in cases where they have killed someone themselves.

Oh I know, I can hear them now, O’Ral-ly and his ilk gnashing their teeth, wrining their hands and rending their garments all up in a frothing-at-the-mouth tizzy about "activist judges" and the "liberal majority" and how this will hamper prosecutions and hurt citizens nationwide. Just you listen, they’ll be spewing all kinds of dire predictions for the county as a whole.

And when you hear that, please remember that, according the report on MSNBC "Forty-five states ban the death penalty for any kind of rape, and the other five states allow it for child rapists. Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas allow executions in such cases if the defendant had previously been convicted of raping a child." Louisana is the fifth state, and the state involved in this particular case. So when you hear about how this bodes ill for USA, please remember it only invalidates the laws in 5 states.

And please also remember, no one anywhere, is advocating baby-rapers should go free or NOT get punished. You convict a guy for raping a baby and you wanna give him life in prison, that’s fine with me. And with the Supereme Court. You just can’t kill them, unless the victim dies as well.

Oh, I can’t wait to watch the O’Ral-ly show tonight and watch him get all red, and spitting while he talks and watch the view in his forehead pulse. And listen to all the distortions and exaggerations I know is coming. In fact, Laura "Screeching Harpy" Ingraham’s show today on the way home might be pretty humorous as well.



Anonymous said...

I have got to watch this screeching harpy lady! Sounds like good comedy.

Consistant with the punishment fitting the crime rule, the perp will get to experience rape in a whole new way sitting in jail forever.

Anonymous said...

The thing that bugs me about 'life in prison' is our taxes at work feeding and clothing the person and paying for their tv and entertainment for their 'life in prison'.

Killing them (humanely) would be cheaper and we could put the money to better use. So call me Satan.

Furry Godfather.