Tuesday, June 03, 2008

An utterance, information,don't mince words (Part 99)...

TMI Tuesdays

Each week, these come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. How old were you when you first kissed a boy? First kissed a boy, as in passionately with tongue and excitement and that fluttering feeling in my tummy. Middle School, I'm gonna say about 14. He was the same age. And kissing him wasn't the only thing we did.
2. Who would play you in the movie of your life story? Ryan Phillipe....no, that's in my dreams, sorry. Probably Chris Farley, John Candy, or John Goodman. I don't think I'm quite as big as them, but I am fat and funny, as they are. Should I be worried that two of the three guys are dead?
3. What is the number one thing your love/hate about gay people? Oh, that's an easy one! I love/hate the SEX with gay people: I LOVE the sex, but HATE that I'm not getting enough of it!
4. If you could legally get married to "the fella" - or any fella - would you? Wow, just a whole potpurri of gay boy questions today, eh? it's a nice change...although I'm not sure how the str8 boys are gonna handle these questions. Anyway, the answer is no, probably not. I don't think I've ever met someone that I wanted to marry. Freddie came close to that someone, but we all know how that turned out. And for the better may I add.
5. Have you ever worn short short shorts in public? I have fat hairy whale-belly-pale legs...I am NOT made to wear ANY kind of shorts, really, but certainly not short short shorts!
Bonus (as in optional): Who is your favorite blogger? You mean other than me? I di, I KID! Hmm, this is a toughy....can I have a three way tie?
a. Puntabulous because he just makes me laugh all the time, he's like makes-me-spit-liquids-through-my-nostrils funny! He's got great debates, Super Viagra & Vagina Girl, and looks good in a lime green innertube. Plus, he's got a frequent commenter with killer abs and a great sense of humor, Dave S.
b. Stephen Rader because he makes me laugh too, BUT the man really knows his comic books as well, which is a huge turn on to the inner comic book geek in me. Plus, he's got Fratboy Fridays AND great caption contests. And he's friends with the uber-cute, and supposedly well-hung Philip.
c. Tornwordo becuase he is very insightful in what he posts, but he's funny too, what with his stripper tenant and pooping stories. And plus he's got a lovely dog, Sara, and a cute husband (they live in Montreal) Serge. And they're currently traveling through Europe, which make me really jealous, but doesn't make me like him any less.

Wow...what questions! Great job!

POLT Listening to "When The Night Hears My Song" by Bedouin Soundclash

Men were drawn to youth and saw, in younger men, younger versions of themselves, passing through a phse in life many of them had misplaced or squandered. - Paul Reidinger, The City Kid


The Covert Lover said...

LOL to #2 & #3!
Great answers. :)
Happy TMI!

Ashly Star said...

Lol. I like your #2 answer. I love all three of those guys. I think if Goodman dies, then you can worry... =p Your #3 made me laugh. Great answers, happy tmi!

Anonymous said...

Lol, you #3 comment about loving the sex but hate not getting enough of it? Yeah, I'm feeling the same strain from the straight angle. :o) Happy TMI!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Ha. You could still have Ryan Phillipe play you. He would take the role for the "artsy" factor. :)

Happy TMI!

Bizarre Avril X said...


Anonymous said...

Loving #2 & 3 too....

Happy TMI !

Bunny said...

The short-shorts thing has left me with that stupid commercial song in my head:

We wear short shorts
Nair for short shorts . . .

Just kill me now, 'k?

Anonymous said...

#3 Not getting enough (???!!!???)
Between the Toronto escapades, juggling boyfriends, mysterious str8 or married guys with girl/wife problems.....should I go on?

I could never catch up to your testosterone "want" level.

"Enough" is a very subjective term.

But, on the other hand, I guess I should say get it while you can. I'm certainly not getting any here, but it has everything to do with my surroundings and my attitude at the moment.

Furry Godfather.