Tuesday, June 17, 2008

An Utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 101)...

Each week, these come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. What's your favorite color of lingerie? White. Plain white, perhaps a little worn, jockstraps. That counts as lingerie, right?
2. Do you have a porn collection? A porn obsession is more like it. I've got more tapes and DVD's than I can count, as well as a more than handy supply of magazines and books. Mainly all from before I got my cable modem. High speed Internet porn is easier accessed and cheaper than getting new movies, books or magazines.
3. Do you have any fetishes? No, not really. Although a guy with longish hair is quite the turnon for me. And a guy in a wifebeater and white socks present an erotic ensemble. But no, I don't really have any fetishes.
4. What is your favorite place to have sex? Toronto. Or actually, ANYplace I have sex, is my favorite place. The location is much less important to me than the fact I'm actually having sex. If the opportunity presents itself, a location WILL be found.
5. Do you like to scratch, bite, pull hair, etc? Do you like having it done to you? Not since I've been like 7 years old. What the hell kinda question is that? If they mean as a part of sex, well no to both answers. I mean, it might occasionally happen during the act, especially if things are a bit....vigorous, but it's not something that I need to have happen.
Bonus (as in optional): Do you think the number of sexual partners you've had is below average, average, or above average, and how does that make you feel? Oh, way above average. I couldn't even guess at the number, but it's easily over a hundred. Way over a hundred. And I really don't think I feel one way or another about that. What does concern me is that the number has seemingly dropped remarkedly in the last few years. But then as I age, I suppose I should expect that to happen.

POLT Listening to "Dancing Queen" by ABBA

He said something about the Pope, so I pissed on his Harley. I always get Catholic on heroin. - Cassidy, Precher #6


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Hmm...I hear Toronto is lovely this time of year. . . *grins*

Happy TMI!

- said...

(giggle*) Yes, I guess *that* does count as lingerie when you say it like that ; )

LOL @ your #4 "any place" being your favorite. "I" should've said that too ; )

Happy TMI 2 U ; )

I always enjoy your answers! Too fun!

Bella Dreamer said...

Love your four answers! Happy TMI Tuesday!

Dana said...

What does concern me is that the number has seemingly dropped remarkedly in the last few years. But then as I age, I suppose I should expect that to happen.

I am not liking - nor embracing - this part of the aging process, but have to agree it seems to be happening for me as well!

Biscuit said...

Socks? Really?

My "number" stopped climbing 12 1/2 years ago, and I don't anticipate it increasing. Perhaps that will balance me out from the first 28 years of my life?

Anonymous said...

I must be close to a thousand sexual partners. I came out at 16 and used to cruise the park scene. When I was 18 it was the bars, a couple of guys a night was not uncommon.

I am just your basic slut. :)


Anonymous said...

In semi-self-imposed chastity a fetish?

Bunny said...

Guys with longish hair work for me too, but not the wifebeaters. Not a look I find attractive except on the buffest of dudes. (Is "buffest" a word?)

Happy TMI!