Monday, June 30, 2008

They were sleeping in the midday sun, sleeping...

I sleep too much. There, I've said it. Got it out in the open.

I don't know why I sleep so much. I mean, I certainly enjoy sleeping. And I HATE mornings. Both of those factor in. But, like today, I slept in until about 10:30 am (after having gone to bed around midnight). I went over to mom's to do laundry and help her take a door off the hinges so she could paint it and then help her put it back up when the paint was dry. Inbetween doing all those things, I sat on the counch and read a book. And after a short while, my eyelids got heavy and I napped. It was about 1:30 I think. I only napped for like ten minutes. but geez, WHY did I need to nap? It's not like I did a whole lot before the nap.

I can get up and get to work on time at 8:00. But it's a rare week that goes by that I DON'T call in at least once and say I'll be working 9-5 today, and get an extra hour of sleep. And it's not even like that 9-5 is a ddep sleeping restful period. Well, sometimes it is, sometimes, I drop right back into a dream state. Those are the dreams I remember most often, cuase they occur right before I wake up for good.

I know I shouldn't sleep so much. I should want to sleep so much. And the night before, when I set the alarm, I'll tell myself I'll get up and do this and do that, and have breakfast here at the house and have a leisurely drive to work, and so on and so forth. but instead, the alarm goes off, I call in to work 9-5 and go back to sleep. And when the alarm goes off again, I reset it again, and again. this means, I'm rushing around to get ready, have to grab something at a convience store to eat on the way to work, and get to work a few minutes after I'm supposed to be there.

i guess I should just be damn glad I don't have a timeclock to worry about.

POLT Listening to "Take California" by the Propellorheads Oil: 140.39 (-.15); Gas: 3.99 (-)

There is magic generated by money given for lust. - Sandman #45

1 comment:

S said...

I like to sleep too but I am a very light sleeper so....sigh....yawn....

Hi Poltypoo how areya?