Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Alone by the telephone, when are you coming home...

Well, mom brought dad home from the hospital today. he still has a breathing machien and 50 foot of tubing, so he can basically go anywhere on the first floor. he looks entirely totally worn out, which is understandable. I never thought people really got rest in a hospital anyway.

He's on a whole horde of meds, and we don't knwo when he's gonna get the chemo treatments for his lung cancer. but at least he's home, where he's more comfortable. And the dog's happy too, she was laying with him on the bed, and sitting beside him, or at his feet, what have you.

He's still got a sense of humor, cause he said they gave him valiums, which he doesn't want to take, so he wants to find a local drug dealer and sell them to him for $100 a pill. And he said he still needs a bit of help getting around, just in case he gets unsteady. So later tonight, mom and him are gonna have a shower. And then he immediately caught himself and said, 'No no, I mean she'll be there next to me, OUTSIDE the shower, in case I need help, or something." And I told him it was a good thing, cause I was a bit too old to have a baby brother. And he said, "Well, 30 years ago, yeah, that mighta been a concern. Now, not so much."

It's good to have him home, even if he's still a bit sick.

POLT Oil: 75.12 (+.92); Oil: 2.94 (-.01)

No, November 2, 2004 was not a good day for gays. It wasn't a good day for millions of other mammals, but gays bore the red brunt of the backlash. - James Wolcott, Vainty Fair

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