Friday, July 06, 2007

Keep your contributions by your side and stroke me...

Well I did it. I finally broke down and contributed money to John Edwards' presidential campaign. Which isn't necessarily a good thing for him, cause the only other time I've given money to ANY candidate is in December of 2003 when I gave $50 bucks to Howard Dean....and we all know how that worked out.

On the plus side, Rudy Giuliani is touting the $18 million dollars he raised last quarter and how much more that is over his Repbulican rivals. He fails to mention that Hillary, in the same period, raised $27 million, and Obama, in the same period, raised $32 million. In fact, the top three Democrats have, so far, raised $133 million dollars, as opposed to the $92 million raised by the top three Republicans.

oh, I know, they'll be much hand wringing, nashing of teeth, and bally-hooing over all this money. How shameful it is that all this money is flooding the system. And that's true. but let's not forget, that there were no complaints when the Republicans were outraising the Democrats over the last few election cycles, and that the Republican are the ones AGAINST campaign finance reform (see nearly ANY of George Will's recent columns).

Like it or not, money is the life blood of elections, you need it to win. And thank GOD the Democrats are outraising the Republicans! Finally, America may have had enough of the Republicans in the White House!


As a senator, I worried every day about the size of the federal deficit. I did not spend a single minute worrying about the effects of gays on the institution of marriage. Today, it seems to be the other way around. - John Danforth, former Republican senator from Missouri

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....let's see...who should I vote for??? ExxonMobil? Shell? Citgo? Which one is making the most money? Should it be based on that or what? Decisions, decisions........

Fairy Godfather.