Monday, July 30, 2007

The first time, it happened too fast...

Today, dad had his first chemo treatment.

The treatments are going to be administered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of this week. Then, the last week of August and the last week of September, they'll do them again, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Seems like a strange schedule to me, but the doctor is a specialist in lung cancer, so we'll assume he knows what he's doing.

I was at the thier house when they came home. Dad walked in with his cane, but he wasn't really using it. I asked him how he was doing, he said he was still up and around, which was a good positive answer. But then he promptly laid down on the bed and took a nap. Which is okay, I mean he is weak a lot with all this going on.

Later, when I went to leave, he was sitting up in bed, his feet on floor, eating some peaches. I asked him how he felt, and he said, "With my hands." I called him a smart ass. But it's good to see him positive and joking and stuff. Frankly, it's unlike him, but it's good he's doing it now at any rate. We'll see how he feels after three consecutive days of chemo.


You guys have cobwebs in inappropriate places. - Black Canary, Birds Of Prey #98


Truthspew said...

I wish you and your family the best.

Chemotherapy is very destructive, it's like a shotgun blast since it not only kills cancer cells but good cells too.

What really irks me is that we've been denied other treatments because of big pharma.

Sexy Duet said...

My dad gets jokey when he is unwell too, it can be his way of masking how he is really feeling and not wanting to worry the family. But in any case it is great that he is doing it and that he is being positive.

You and your family are in our thoughts.