Saturday, July 07, 2007

Words are useless, especically sentences...

I am a collector of useless facts and trivia. Note the following that I have written down.

  • Bush's popularity rating in a recent Newsweek poll was 26%. In the same poll Jar-Jar Binks from that horrid Star Wars movie has a popularity rating of 27%.
  • 15% of respondents said "Yes" to a question posed on the British tabloid The Daily New's website. the question read: "Will life on Mars encourage homophobic bullying in school?"
  • 2: number of activists who were Tasered by police after a large group of protestors encountered former Florida governor Jeb Bush by chance at a Pittsburgh subway station last October and heckled him, leading police escorts to stuff Bush into a supply closet for his safety.
  • German company called "Seperation Agency" will notify your significant other that you're breaking up with them. $25 fee for a phone call, $60 will be done in person.
  • Power engineers at the Pacesetters Project say they can harvert 5 to 7 watts of power from a single footstep. They hope to install generators in the floors of busy public places.
  • In a recent Washington Post poll, 30% of Americans don't know what year the 9/11 attacks occured. Further, 5% of the respondents don't know what day and month the 9/11 attacks occured.
yeah, acutally I stole most of these "facts" out of a magazine, but I thought they were interesting.


"Homer, you could ask Mr. Burns for a raise." "Or better yet, I could ask him for my job back!" - Homer, The Simpsons


Anonymous said...

20% can't call 9/11 because there is no eleven on their phone.
What? a message for Polt from who? Seperation Agency? First you owe them $25 it's a collect call.

Anonymous said...

This apathy from the Amrrrican public is not a new thing. It's been bred over many generations. Mostly because we are pompous and prudish and couldn't care less about our fellow man let alone our environment, etc.

Such apathy does not bode well for the future and does not empower or motivate us to make any significant or useful changes.

Just let the other guys take care of it...I'm too busy watching my reality TV and driving my gas guzzling Hummer while complaining loudly about the quality of TV programming and the price of gas. Why should I expend my energy on trying to change things? I'm fully entitled to sit at home in my oversized lazy-boy and collect my welfare and eat my 5 full meals a day and attempt to waddle to the bathroom every once in a few weeks to spritz a little water on my face to call it 'washing-up'. It's my freedom and my 'right' as an Amrrrican to live my life this way, right? RIGHT???

Fairy Godfather.