Wednesday, July 25, 2007

And if my diagnosis turned out positive...

The doctor told dad they were going to start his chemo regimine next Monday morning. Without it, he gave dad 6 months. With it, he gave dad a year, maybe more.

.....a year? maybe more?

He said the tumor in his lung had actually shrunk from 4.4 whatevers to 3.3 whatevers. This I thought was a good thing. Apparently not good enough.

I dont know what to think here. We were all trying to be positive 'yeah, you're tired and weak now, but just rest cause once you beat this, you'll be back to your old self.' A year, maybe more? IS he gonna get back to his old self?

I write this here because it's cathartic to get it out. But if you know me or my family personally, PLEASE don't say anything to ANYONE about this. Mom and dad have talked about it, and they're not telling family or friends, beyond me, that it's apparently this bad. So Ag, Amie, Laura, Chris, and anyone else that I've forgotten, please just keep this to yourself. Don't mention it to your families or to my parents specifically. If the time comes that they want more people to know, I'll mention something here.

God, how screwy is this....maybe a year, and I'm worried about who else knows about it.....

POLT Oil: 75.88 (+2.60); Gas: 2.87 (-)

Most people hate the idea of evolution because they realize if it were working, they'd be dead.


Mrs.ZigZagMan said...


m_o_o_nspells said...

Sweetie, I'm sorry...I know you guys don't have a great relationship but this must be really hard for you anyway. If there's anything at all I can do, you let me know okay?
*HUGE hugs*

Donnie said...

Sorry to hear that. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I understand completely. The only time I mention my condition is when I am drunk.


Bunny said...

Oh sweetie, I am so sorry! {{{HUG}}}

Sexy Duet said...

Sorry to hear that news, thinking of you and your family - hugs.


Doug said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. The difference between chemo and no-chemo doesn't sound fair.

BTExpress said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. There's no way to tell how long your dad has, but with the right treatment it may be longer than you think. My wife was diagnosed with brain cancer in May 2005. The surgeon said she could have two weeks or two years. There's no way to know. She fought it for 2 1/2 years before she passed away. My prayer are with you guys.

Anonymous said...

It would be the worst decision in the world but ia think if the chemo were to make me sick and bedridden I would choose 6 months of feeling reasonably well and spending quality tiem with family over 12 months of being sick and tired. What can I say Polt? If good vibes can help you've got all of mine.