Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bits and pieces of burgundy stuck to your butt...

Just some random bits and pieces...

- I've never been able to get into Dr. Who. i know, I know, it's a geeky British sci-fi thing that's viewed with ridicule on this side of the Atlantic. Still, I always felt I was missing something by not "getting" it. Well last night, I decided I'm gonna watch a recent episode all the way through, and maybe I will get it.

It was from 2005, with Christopher Eggleston as the Doctor. And it was about an alien spaceship crashing into the Thames, and something called the 'slierins' (?) using human 'skins' to impersonate high government officials. And, to my surprise, i actually got drawn into it! Course, with my luck it was a two parter, and they weren't showing the second part!!!! So i don't know what happened. But I think I"ll try to catch it from now on, maybe I'll be able to enjoy future episdoes.

- Tomorrow, I have a dentist appointment. I am SO stressing about this. I've been having issues with a filling for several months now, and I'm going to get it looked at. I'm just scared he's gonna give me the options of a crown, a root canal or pulling it. I don't have the money for a crown, I'm NOT bothering with a root canal, and I am fearful of pulling it cause of the issues I had with two other teeth being pulled. One, the roots had grown together, and the other the roots had spread out so they wouldn't fit through the hole, and he had to saw a tiny piece of my jaw away to se could slip the tooth out (it sounds a LOT worse than it was at the time, novocaine works wonders). But after both of them, the pain was horrendous! I am SO stressed...breathe, breathe, breathe....

- I chew my fingernails all the time, and sometimes, I'll chew them too far back on the side and it'll get all infected and painful, and swell up filled with pus and I have to sqeeuze the pus out and soak in the epsom salts and stuff like that. Yeah well very pleasant. Well, jsut this past week it happened again. But this time, it was on my right big toenail!!! And I can't even get my toes to my mouth! No, seriously, I don't know what happened. I haven't cut my toenails right before it started. it hurt and swelled up. Just last night, after I got a shower, I popped it. Pus oozed out. Feels much better now, but I hope the infection doens't return. And just cause I love you all so much, I took a photo of it, pre-popping.

- My dad has cancer, as I've mentioned, and has finished up the radiation treatments on his neck. this week, he starts his chemo treatments for his lung cancer. I was just noticing last week how old he looks. He's 67, but looks at least 10 years older. he's all stooped over, and just, very feeble looking. It's not like him at all. And mom told me he's been in bed since Firday night. She and I today moved the fold-out love seat that was upstairs in the spare room down to out dining room. (That was ahoot, and old lady and an out of shape middle aged fag trying to move that down the steep stairs and narrow doorways of the house. but we got it done.) He'll be right in the next room if he needs something, she's be able to check on him easier than running up and down the stairs all the time, which is easier for her, and if someone comes to visit him, he wont's be upstairs, they can see him easier there. And the bad part is, he's supposed to get even more sick once the chemo starts. It'll be rough on both of them, not only dad.

- The weather's not been too bad. yeah, it's been warm, high 80's low90's, but the humidity's been kept in check. Yeah, we had two three-day stretches so far of high heat and humidity, but basically, it's been normal summer weather. These are the summer days I remember as a kid, warm, but tolerable. Not week long or ten day long streches of temps around 100 and humidity close to matching it like has been the case the last few years. Although, we're only in early July, there's still PLENTY of time for a God-awful heat wave to hit. Man I freakin HATE summer sometimes.....


I went to a Catholic wedding once and the incense ruined my pants suit. - Marge, The Simpsons


Anonymous said...

You are such a woos! Just let them do the root canal if it needs it. You will feel much better and that tooth will never hurt again (the nerve will be gone). If it needs a crown there isn't much choice but to break out the plastic. I have 4 or 5 of the damned things now...lots of real estate in my mouth. Just thank God for the novocaine.

Fairy Godfather.

Sexy Duet said...

A trip to the dentist turns me into a big baby too.

I suffered ingrown toenails a lot back in my younger days when I was dancing. Pointe shoes have a habit of causing those and they can be really painful.

Watching a love one fight cancer is hard on the entire family - its great that you and your mom are making him as comfortable during his treatment as he can be.