Friday, July 20, 2007

If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin'...

Roughly an hour ago, a co-worker walked into my office and did the Chicken Dance. Yep, the full thing, with the wing flapping and butt shaking and humming the whole song throughout. And then she and I laughed hysterically. I haven't the foggiest clue why she did it. And when we were done laughing, she turned around and walked out.

Now all this was funny and all, BUT, for the last hour I can NOT get that God-damned song outta my head!!!!! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!

And now that I've mentioned it, perhaps I've passed it on to a few of you. Enjoy.


I inherited the war on drugs from a President who inherited it from a President who inherited it from a President before that. I'm not a hundred percent sure who we're fighting but I know we're not winning. Ten years ago, we spent five billion dollars on fighting drugs and we did such a good job that last year we spent 16 billion. Sixty percent of federal prisoners are in jail on drug charges as opposed to two and half percent that are there for violent crime. We imprison a higher percentage of our citizens than Russia did under Communism and South Africa did under apartheid. Somewhere between 50 and 85% of the prison populaiton has a drug or alcohol problem. We've tried 'Just Say No', I don't think it's going to work. - President Bartlet, The West Wing


Anonymous said...

She was probably having a breakdown mentally. Sometime the pressure is just too much for some people.


Anonymous said...

Your evil scheme worked. I have been humming it since I read it.

Truthspew said...

In my office we spent the entire afternoon discussing the failings of Star Trek series after Roddenberry stopped taking an active role.

It doesn't hurt that the boss has a bust of Spock in his bookcase.

One of the other systems guys is a complete riot though. Some of the things out of his mouth are priceless.

Anonymous said...

Do dottle do do do dottle do do do do do do do Clap Clap Thanks Polt.

Heidi said...

how does someone know the whole chicken dance?!?