Sunday, July 08, 2007

On pink floyd and banned from the british blocks...

Found this online:

(July 8) - A couple says their vacation was ruined when an RV park owner told them they weren't welcome after discovering their 2-year-old foster son had the HIV virus.

Last week, Dick and Silvia Glover went to the Wales West RV Park in Silver Hill, Ala., with their foster son Caleb. When the boy was banned from using the pool and showers, the Glovers said they were offered an uncomfortable and painful choice: They could either keep Caleb out of the water or leave

."We weren't sure if somebody could get the virus if the child upchucked on them or from blood or what," said Ken Zadnichek, the park's owner. "We didn't know what the risk was. That's why we asked for something from their doctor or the county health department."Dick Glover said the request for a doctor's note made it clear Caleb was unwelcome.

An Alabama newspaper quoted Zadnichek as saying, "I'm not responsible for their feelings. I'm responsible for the well-being of everybody in the park. If their feelings got hurt, I'm sorry. That's the way it's got to be."Upset and dismayed, the couple left with its son."Here we are paying for the facilities, but there's certain ones our son can't use," Dick Glover said.

Medical experts said the HIV virus is unable to spread through casual contact."There's absolutely no way you can get HIV from a pool or a shower casual contact using the same facilities," said David Little, director of South Alabama CARES, an AIDS education and outreach organization that serves 12 counties in south Alabama. "It just doesn't happen."The Glovers said Caleb is a happy child who they just wanted to please because his life expectancy is only seven years.

How can this happen? How, in this day and age, can something like this happen? I mean, we're in the 25th year of the AIDS epidemic, and we've known almost from the beginning that it's not spread by casual contact. Is this 2007 or 1987? Even if the regular folks down there hadn't heard yet, certainly the county health official should have known. I know the deep South isn't a bastion of knowledge about HIV and such, but come ON! that county health official needs to resign so they can get someone in there that actually knows a thing or two about medicine.

For shame.


The president's daughter, the chief of staff's daughter, a Georgetown bar, and Sam. What could possibly go wrong? - Josh Lyman, The West Wing


Anonymous said...

Polt that honestly gags me, even my husband nearly choked on that. We just took our healthy 15 month old boy to the playground today and I can only imagine that poor little sick boy being turned away from the pool. Those people that chased him off are ignorant f**kers.

Anonymous said...

Ummm....see my earlier post from a few posts back regarding "Apathy".

This sort of thing (ignorance) goes right along with how many people don't know what month day and year the 9/11 attack happened.

Here in Ammrrrica we have a right to be ignorant and apathetic and dumb and stupid. right? RIGHT???

Fairy Godfather.

Anonymous said...

Poor family, I hurt for them. Fear = stupidity a lot of the time.
