Friday, July 20, 2007

Condom manufacturer is sponsoring the war...

Got a text from Freddie this evening, something to the effect of, "Mom found one of my condoms and did not FREAK about it!" So when we talked tonight, he told me she found it in the living room. Luckily it was still in the wrapper, but he apparently has no idea how it got there (riiiight) and told his mom so. She only said that he probably didn't want to leave those laying around with his younger cousins coming by frequently. And she didn't think he was doing things like that, but since he was.........

And since they come from a strict Catholic family, I think her reaction was quite subdued and not an overreaction.

I told him she probably didn't overreact because 1) she saw that Freddie was being responsible and practicing safe sex and 2) when she saw they were Trojan Magnums, she probably said, "Oh yeah, THAT'S my boy!"

Freddie didn't really think that was the case.


It's amazing he can find food, water, and oxygen for himself. - Thom, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Anonymous said...

Magnums huh? Well now I see Freddie in a whole new light.


Anonymous said...

Freddies Mom is probably still expecting Grand-children. Catholics are very hard to convince that being Gay is not a mortal sin.

Anonymous said...

Let me expound on what I said earlier. I dated a Catholic guy for several years. He was so very afraid someone from his church would find out. He would stop by my house every saturday night after Mass. A neighbor lady who worked at the same place we did told everyone about his visits. He became afraid to visit anymore. He still calls me every once in a while and wants me to visit him but he won't come to my house. Yes, Catholics are so very afraid of being excommunicated. They need to be liberated from this oppressive religion. I hope Freddie gets out and away from it soon.