Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Home nine months pregnant...

I talked to AJ today.

His girlfriend is pregnant and due to pop on August 6th. however, she's been two cm dilated now for about two weeks. And is miserable. Cause she's so huge. And it's hot. And she can't ever get comfortable. AJ said they try having sex, because some medical person told them that could help speed things along (and HE really wants it too), but they can only go for like 5 minutes before she says it hurts and they have to stop.

I suggested, since sex helps, but intercourse doesn't work, that he try something else down there, in an oral fashion. He expressed his disgust. He said he doesn't want to be doing that, she's already lost that mucus plug. I said that I was certain she cleaned well after that happened so there shouldn't be any mucus left there to get in the way. And he said, rather emphatically, that he doesn't want her water to break when he's down there doing something.

I tried to tell him what a great story that would be to tell. Not necessarily to experience, but to tell. But I think he should do it anyway, for his girlfriend if nothing else. I mean if it helps speed up the birth, can't he take one for the team? he said he'd take one for the team, but he is NOT taking any emniotic fluid to the face for anyone!

We talked later in the evening then, and he said he told his girlfriend all this, and she laughed hysterically, until she was coughing and crying. but unfortunate, she didn't pop the kid out. He started taking up a pool, and I've got August 4th, we'll see how right my guess is.


I wish we lived in the America of yesteryear that only exists in the minds of us Republicans. - Ned Flanders, The Simpsons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The baby will pop before the 29th of July. The full moon is never wrong.