Tuesday, July 03, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 49)...

Too Much Information Tuesday

1. Describe your first kiss
. Fourth grade, in my aunt’s backyard, behind a large tree there. Kristie Garnes and I were sitting there, decided we wanted to "go together". We held hands behind the tree for a while, then we kissed. Just the chaste closed mouth/puckered lips kinda kiss. That’s all we knew, I guess. After hanging out behind the tree for a little while, we decided it wasn’t working and we "broke up". Even then, I guess I knew I didn’t like chicks.

2. Should a person's pubic hair be trimmed, shaved, or just grown out as the jungle God intended it to be?
Personally, I like it trimmed, don’t like getting hairs between my teeth. Shaved can look good, but only on the right type of person.

3. What's the best super-hero comic book movie ever made?
X-Men 2, hands down.

4. Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi, hands down.

5. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Mom caught me once. I tried to quickly cover up, but she knew what the score was…so to speak.

6. Which way do you lean your head when going for a kiss?
I lean to the right…unless Freddie’s head is leaning that way, then I go left.

7. Jockstraps, sexy or no?
As in question #2, I’d say it depends on the person. And muscular, athletic man looks HOT in a jockstrap. Any other type of man, well, the sexiness quotient drops proportionally to out-of-shapedness of the guy wearing it.

Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever used the excuse, "Oh, I was so drunk that night, I don't remember a THING!"
My LORD, if it wasn’t for that excuse I would NEVER have gotten laid at ALL in high school! So many times my friends and I would be drinking at someone’s house, and we’d all just crash there, and if we shared a bed, inevitably something would happen between us. And that was always a convienent excuse.


"I don't want to make the same mistakes over again." "Not when there are so many new mistakes we can make." - Leo McGarry, The West Wing


Bunny said...

You said "hands down" on 3 & 4. You sure that wasn't part of the answer to 5 too? lol I know you were thinking of switching teams just to be with me, but it will never work, honey. I'm a Diet Coke girl and you're a Pepsi man. Sorry. We'll just have to stay on the same team - looking for hotties in jockstraps!

h said...

Happy TMI. I'm curious, is it more or less hot if wear a CUP inside the jock-strap?


Anonymous said...

"Have you ever used the excuse, "Oh, I was so drunk that night, I don't remember a THING!"

I do black out, so I don't remember anything.

Anonymous said...

I hear you're to thank for this week's questions -- two thumbs up!

My replies are 'up' as they say.

All this 'up' from me, while you're all 'hands down'... I wonder what that means? Well, if we were to kiss, at least our hands would be out of the way lol

Anonymous said...

Great eight answers. Sorry, I'm a Coke guy. Pepsi is too sweet. I think Jock straps are super hot. A cup is sexy and can be sniffed. Size of the guy doesn't matter as long as he's not skinny. Love the Football Player look. Woof!!!

Sexy Duet said...

Im lost as to how anyone can prefer Pepsi over Coke! Happy TMI