Monday, July 23, 2007

You're on the edge of your chair...

So, I've been rather unlucky with chairs this year so far. As you may recall, I posted in March about my car's driver's seat breaking and having to drive home just clutching the steering wheel. And at work, the chair I use kept like popping and tilting to the right, so I figured eventually, I'd end up on my back with only my legs and feet sticking up in the air behind my desk. Got that replaced. And just today, my computer chair here at home broke. The back pert of the left arm broke, and now when I lean back on it, it slides back and to the left. Course, I've had the chair 4 years and I lean back into it most times I'm on the computer. So this evening, Mom and I went chair shopping. She drove the truck to make sure we'd have enough room to haul it, but the box was small enough that it couldhave fit in my backseat. I found one for $47 at Wal-Mart (yeah, I shop there, don't judge me). And now that I'm home, having lugged it up two flights of stairs, I have no desire to open it and put it together. And that's danergous, because I'm a notorious procrastinator. I had my scanner in the box for like two months before I hooked it up. Had my iPod two months before i opened it and fooled with it. Course, this is a bit different...I think it'll only take one tumble off the chair for me to get to assemblin the new one. We shall see. And with all the trouble I've been having with seats, at least my ass ain't broken yet, so that too is a good thing!


Asses Of Evil: Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice

1 comment:

exile said...

walmart is evil, but aren't we all?