Sunday, May 25, 2008

Again with love, it's gonna be a glorious day...

So today was just a FABulous day!

I managed to get up about 9:00, and for me on a Sunday that is WAY early. I was online for a bit, then showered and got dressed. I was going to mom's for lunch, but I decided since it was a beautiful day (70's, sunshining, not a cloud in the sky), that I'd take a walk. I needed to mail a bill, a condolance card, and teo Netflix movies. And instead of just walking directly to the Post Office, I took a route that ended up having me out walking for about 20 minutes. But it was truly a GLORIOUS day. I stopped and took a photo of the sky, and you can see just how beautiful it was.

I dropped the stuff off at the Post Office and then went to mom's. She called on her way back from church and asked if I wanted Chinese. So she stopped and got some and we had that for lunch. Afterwards, she went outside to plant some flowers she had, and I laid on the couch and finished up the book I was reading. Angel laid on me while I did so. And upon finishing the book, with a full tummy and the dog on my lap, I promptly fell asleep for a nap.

I woke up in time for us to leave for the party. My cousin's son Cam was having his third birthday party today, and over we went. Somewhere previous I'm sure I mentioned that there was a big split in my family after my grandfather died 10 years ago. It was mom's brother(R) and sister(C), vs my mom's other brother(D). Mom stayed out of the stupid fighting and remained neutral, which meant we got invited to everything on both sides, but neither side apparently was interested in mending fences.

then, last year, my dad died, and that kinda opened some eyes up, cause everyone like my dad, Uncle Milt they all called him. his death, got things changed. Last Christmas, when R threw the Christmas party like he always did, he invited C and her family, and mom's family, but last year, he also invited D and his family. And more surprising, D and his family came.

Cam, the birthday boy, is D's grandson. And they were having the party at D's house. And D invited R and C and their families, again a surprise, and they all came, another surprise. It was great to see the whole family again within six months. Dad would have enjoyed seeing too. And ya know, I think, he has.

At any rate, we had a great time at the party. Cam was in rare form, laughing, talking, playing, just having a blast. Relatives were talking to each other. And there was a 5 year old, 7 year old and 9 year old there that needed entertaining as well.

Of course that fell to me.

I played 'Tag' with them, changing the rules at a whim. I generally helped the 5 year old when he was "It", cause he really couldn't catch the older two, and he needed the help. I also ended up wrestling around with a few of them, carrying one over my shoulder, and later, another under my arm. I'm tired from the whole thing now,and I'll be a bit achey tomorrow, but it was very fun, and very much worth it.

Cam all decked out in his "I AM 3" t-shirt, red pants and making chucks.

Cam eyeing up his cake, thinking about blowing out the candle and how to get his finger in the icing with no one catching him.

Cam playing with a toy train he got.

I also spent time talking to the adults, although the genereally isn't as much fun as playing with the kids. *SHRUG* what can I say, it's the truth, right? Also at the party was the in-laws family, and we all got along with them well too. I was talking to one girl, a cousin of a cousin, and we decided it's been over ten years since we saw each other. And while she didn't know many of the cousins on my side, she DID remember me. "I always remembered you as the clown, right?" Hey, I couldn't deny her. And if one has to be remembered, how bad is it to be remembered as "the clown"?

After the party, I came home, and put up this planter I got. I put it on the balcony and it's got some flowers in it. I'm gonna try to see if I can get it going. I mean, I generally have a black thumb killing any plant in my apartment, but this time I'm really gonna try. And it's not technically IN my apartment, but hanging on the balcony.

After that, Don called me. And he's coming up tomorrow late afternoon early evening. And it's been several weeks since we've seen each other, SO, if anyone sees the apartment building rocking, do NOT coming knocking. Just sayin....

POLT Listening to "14th Street" by Rufus Wainwright

Furniture shouldn't have a smell. - Ted, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy

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