Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Maybe you are in his book of names, maybe you...

As you may or may not know, Scott McClellen, former White House press secretary for the Bushie administration, has written a book wherein he says, in black and white, that the administration about many things, not the least of which, is the way they got us into war in Iraq. It does NOT paint a flattering picture of Bushie, Darth Cheney, Turdblossom Rove, and Scooter.

A co-worker asked me about it today, and I told her that it's nice to have all this out in the open, revealed by someone who was there at the time, but really, 80% of us already knows the president it a liar, and the other 20% aren't gonna believe anything negative about him. So really, I doubt it's gonna have any great impact on anything.

What I loved though was listening to Laura "Screeching Harpy" Ingraham on the Far Right wingnut radio station on the way home from work. The Harpy herself was called McClellen everything but a white man. He "looks and sounds like Porky Pig", was a betrayer, a Judas. Just like all the Washington, he had no integrity or loyalty. He was just trying to rake in a buck. The book publishers made him include all the dirt he could think of . Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

What she never did, though, is point out what is wrong IN the book. She mentioned no inaccuracy, no lie, nothing that was a falsehood. And I had to laugh.

"Attack the messenger, not the message" is a tried and true wingnut tactic. When you can't attack the message, and few are the times that the far right's message ARE defensible, you just attack the messenger and discredit them. No, let's not debate the issues brought up, or discount them point by point, no, let's just attack and savage the one making the claims. We've seen this time and time over in the last eight years.

But, thankfully, the American people aren't falling for it anymore. Hopefully they will continue to ignore it through the November elections, and into the next president's administration, regardless of the drivel and tripe thrown out by Fox Noise Channel.

POLT Listening to "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado Oil: 130.71 (+2.34); Gas: 3.89 (+.01)

I have seen some slip-shod backwater burgs, but this place takes the cake! - Miguel Ferrer, Twin Peaks

1 comment:

Kittie Kate said...

You attack the person, not what they say. That's called an argument ad hominen. I looked it up.