Thursday, May 15, 2008

We will drink and prepare for marriage, soon, my darling...

The California Supreme Court overturned the state ban on gay marriage. They said domestic partnerships were in fact NOT equal, and there is not state interest in banning gays from marrying. Which what we've been saying all along. I know for some out there, it's a matter of sin, and religion, and stuff, but it really isn't. It's a matter of equality under the law. If a man and a woman can fall in love and get married, then there is no reason why a man and man or a woman or a woman who are in love can not get married.

And really, seriously, if YOUR marriage is somehow threatened by two people down the street, or around the corner, or in another town getting married, then you're marriage is pretty weak and on the rocks to begin with.

Oh I know, I know, the opponents in California say they already have enough signatures to get a state Constitutional amendment on the ballot this fall. And that's fine. Let them put it on the ballot. I feel confident that the residents of California will not vote to enshrine legal and forced discrimination of one group of it's citizens in it's state Consititution. Califonians are too enlighted for that. Or at least a vasy majority of them are (we'll just ignore Orange county, among others).

Of course, some will fight this tooth and nail, pushing as hard as they can to prevent what will one day soon be a non-issue for going away. But as sure as you're reading, and sooner than we all think, the day will be here when gay marriages are treated no differently for interracial ones, and people will wonder what all the fuss is about. But time is on OUR side, because those opposed to this are old, and dying out. And the young people, they don't see it as an issue. They ALL know at least one person, all probably have at least one friend who is gay. And it's no different than their other friend who is Korean, or who has red hair, or who is taller than the others.

Just as desegregation was fought, but eventually passed into the halls of shameful history, so shall this anti-gay hysteria.

POLT Listening to "Rebel Prince" by Rufus Wainwright Oil: 124.33 (+.52); Gas: 3.79 (+.02)

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Those who study history are doomed to know it's repeating.


Anonymous said...

Good post -- and I love the XTC reference!

Anonymous said...

I agree totally some day, and soon, it will not even be an issue. That is why it important for us all to be "out" to family friends and neighbors.


Bunny said...

Completely agree - this should not be and hopefully will not even be an issue one day. Coming on the heels of the death of Mrs. Loving of Loving v. Virginia, the case that said that states could not have anti-miscegenation laws (prohibiting interracial marriage) it is especially poignant. Her battle from 50 years ago is now that of the homosexual community. Viva la gay marriage!

tornwordo said...

Well I hope you're right.