Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This is for the couples, strictly for the couples...

I noticed something over the weekend that I never noticed before. When referring to a couple, I usually say the name of the person that's the closer relation to me.

Like Randy & Barb, Carolyn & Nick, Daryl & Trudy. They're all my aunts and uncles.
And other couples: Brian & Melissa, Trish & Mark. Bonnie & Dick. Bobby & Nancy. Same thing the blood realtion is first.

Then I got to wondering about friends:
Amie & Shane. Chris & Leah. George & Brenda. David & Susan.

While in some of the cases, I'm friends with both members of the couple, the name I say first is the one I knew first, or know better.

I wonder, is this just something I do, or is this what everyone does. Leave me a comment, let me know.

POLT Listening to "That's Not My Name" by The Ting-Tings

I don't want life to imitate art. I want life to BE art! - Carrie Fisher


exile said...

weird, i've always wondered about that whole "name organization thing".

i've been trying to figure it out for years.

for instance, when i say Mom and Dad, it's always in that order. but when i say they're real names it's the opposite. hmmmm...

i think i do it by sylables
(how ever you want to spell them.)

Anonymous said...

this is not something I do. I am not sure why Steven and todd, are not Todd and Steven. It is just how I say it. Interesting observation though.


Anonymous said...

Let's see, there's Jon and David, but I've known David longer. Then there's Darryl and Neil, I've known Darryl longer.

Then there's Mike and Koren, Charlie and Bev, Jim and Kelli, etc. In all cases I know the first better than the latter.

lime said...

i think for the most part i sort it out mentally the way you do.