Friday, May 16, 2008

So walk out backwards, if you must go...

Yesterday, when I looked over at my alarm, it was flashing. That meant the power had gone off at some point, which in turn meant that my alarm was not going to go off. I hurriedly checked my cellphone to see how late I was, and it was about 20 minutes later than I would normally get up.

So I jumped up and rushed around starting to get ready, not even bothering to fix the time on the clock. I hurried through the shower and shaving (and somehow I did not nick myself), got dressed and got to work only about 10 minutes later than I was supposed to be there.

Which honestly, isn’t that unusal for me.

But in the early afternoon, about 1:30 or so, I had to urinate. I went into the bathroom, pulled down my zipper and just could NOT locate my fly. Reached left, reached right, checked up towards my belt and down towards my junk. No fly.

But I HAD to pee, so I pulled the boxers down under my junk and let fly. It was only when I was finished that I discovered the problem: My boxers were on backwards. In my rush to get ready, I put them on that way.

What is really disturbing though, is that this is the SECOND time I have done this. At least, though, it’s been about 6 years or so since I did it last time. And that was in the winter, in the dark, early on a Saturday after having been out drinking until like 1:00 in the morning or so. Unfortunately, I don’t have all those excuses now. I only have "I was in a rush."

*SIGH* I’m really down cause I’m convinced that as I age, this will be a much less unusual occurance.

POLT Listening to "The Bomb" by The Bucketheads

As you know, these are open forums, you'r able to come and listen to what I have to say. - George W. Bush


Bunny said...

It's when you start forgetting them entirely that you have to worry.

Anonymous said...

I have a picture of my boy that looks much like this. Too funny.