Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A mad melee of supply and demand driven by a gullible pride (PART 2)...

In case no one's been paying attention, let me show you something from over the last five days:

Date/Price of Oil/Price of Gas

So, over the last five days, except for a drop of $.51, the price of oil has remained the same. At the same time, the price of gasoline has increased 10 cents a gallon.

But it's ALL supply and demand, that's all! Supply and demand!


POLT Listening to my anger bubble up inside me

Asking me to mate with you is not the offer of a lifetime. - Captain Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager


Bunny said...

It went up to $3.99(9) for regular unleaded in my city this morning!!! My old TV station (I was a producer) kept leading their news breaks with it all morning. "If you find gas for less than $3.99 a gallon, buy it! It's gone up to $3.99 at most stations and we expect all Grand Rapids-area stations to be at $3.99 by the end of the day."

Of course, I'm at about 1/3 tank. But it's a 26 gallon tank, so I can go a little while. But not long!

Stephen R. said...

Brilliant post! I am amazed by and ashamed of all this price gouging.

Anonymous said...

We've got $4.07/gal here in Dimondale (just outside of Lansing). And not too long ago we were worried that guess "might" hit $4.00/gal sometime this summer. Now we're worried about it hitting $5.00/gal.

I think I seriously need to start considering a Moped or some type of motorized scooter that gets 100 miles to the gallon.

Furry Godfather.